The first Sunday of Advent we'll light the Prophesy Candle. I have the breakfast table set with a wonderful book to guide us through the season, (Rebecca Hayford Bauer's
The 25 Days of Christmas) Christmas plates, yummy cinnamon rolls, oranges, Marie's cheese souffle and small packages for the family. I'll post pictures later...
We've been celebrating Advent, looking forward to the coming of our Savior, from the first Christmas we were together. That Christmas we were given the privilege of lighting the Prophesy Candle in our large church in Bel Air, California. Jon was just a little guy and I think the experience was a bit much for him. He was a trooper.
The Prophesy Candle reminds us of the incredible "fingerprint" our Father God left through the prophets to help us see the miracle of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection and know for certain that He is The One. Isaiah, Micah, King David and even Moses write of the coming Messiah among others. Each year, as I learn more and study scripture, I am even more amazed at the complexity and depth of the prophecies and their miraculous fulfillment in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you, Lord Jesus for coming... May we celebrate You well this season.